
NMN+ là phân tử tự nhiên có sẵn trong cơ thể con người, là tiền chất của phân tử thiết yếu NAD+. Càng già, cơ thể càng tiêu hao NMN+ nhiều hơn, sự thiếu hụt NMN+/NAD+ là nguyên nhân chính gây lão hóa và bệnh tật. Bổ sung NMN+ được chứng minh có tác dụng đảo ngược lão hóa, phòng chống/cải thiện bệnh tật (đặc biệt là bệnh tuổi già)

The length of a person's telomeres is a good indicator of his or her overall health status; short telomeres have been associated with cellular aging and dysfunction.1,2 The real biological age of a person's body may be more or less than their chronological age. Telomere length is considered a key marker in measuring a person's biological age as opposed to their chronological age.

For a body to stay healthy, it is important to maintain telomere length. Having short telomeres can accelerate the natural aging process on a cellular level.For a body to stay healthy, it is important to maintain telomere length. Having short telomeres can accelerate the natural aging process on a cellular level.For a body to stay healthy, it is important to maintain telomere length. Having short telomeres can accelerate the natural aging process on a cellular level.

NMN+ Biology

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TA-65MD® nutritional supplements are the first in a line of products based on the TA-65® compound. TA-65MD® nutritional supplements are formulated through a proprietary process to increase the absorption (bioavailability) of the TA-65® compound in the body. This process helps ensure that the compound is not digested before it reaches the bloodstream, where it can then be delivered to our cells. No other products utilize this proprietary technology. TA-65MD® nutritional supplements have been proven to activate telomerase and lengthen telomeres. They should be taken as part of an overall health and wellness regimen. TA-65MD® supplements have been proven safe and effective in more than a decade of studies and in use by people worldwide.

Clinical Research

Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect it, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides and act as a clock that signals cells to age. Eventually telomeres become so short that the DNA is unprotected and cells stop functioning or die.

NAD+ Biology